Instrument Scoring
The DAS-Aconsists of 8 items and has a 7-point Likert response scale. The responses are scored as follows:
Scoring Method:
To score the DAS-A, the average of the 8 item scores (items 1 through 8) is computed. The average score is multiplied by 10. The total score has a range of 0 to 100.
- Calculate the mean raw score by adding up the item response scores for each item and dividing this total by the number of items completed.
- Transform this mean raw score by multiplying by 10, as below:
(Sum of completed item response scores) X 10 = Transformed Score
Total number of completed items
Transformed scores range from 0 to 100 where higher scores reflect greater severity of anxiety symptoms. Transformed scores can be obtained when at least 60% of the items are answered. If 5 or more item responses are missing, the DAS-A scores should be set to missing.
Time to Score:
The scoring and the transformation of the scores takes approximately five minutes.