Can I modify the questionnaire wording?
What methods of administration can be used with the LupusQoL?
Can I reformat the questionnaire?
How do I obtain permission to use the LupusQoL?
What are the licensing fees associated with the LupusQoL?
What Clinical Trials have used the LupusQoL?
What translations of the LupusQoL are available?
Can I modify the questionnaire wording?
The questionnaire cannot be called the LupusQoL if questions or responses are changed or questions are added or deleted.
What methods of administration can be used with the LupusQoL?
The LupusQoL was originally developed in UK English and validated for paper administration. Neither the original UK English nor any of the translations have been adapted for PDA, web, or IVR administration. However, many languages have been adapted for use on a tablet device. Please contact LupusQoL at RWS Life Sciences for further information on adaptations for different methods of administration.
Can I reformat the questionnaire?
The LupusQoL may be reformatted (e.g., different font, boxes, or blanks) to make it consistent with other instruments used in a study.
How do I obtain permission to use the LupusQoL?
The University of Central Lancashire and East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust is the copyright holder for the LupusQoL. The instrument may not be reproduced or translated in whole or in part without the express written permission of the copyright holder. Click here to request a usage license.
Additionally, we ask users to notify us when they publish or present LupusQoL data so that this information can be added to our records.
What are the licensing fees associated with the LupusQoL?
The LupusQoL is available to academic researchers without fees. Pharmaceutical companies wishing to use the instrument should contact LupusQoL@rws.com
What Clinical Trials have used the LupusQoL?
The LupusQoL has been successfully used in numerous studies with positive results. View our Clinical Trials page for a complete list of those that have used the LupusQoL.
What translations of the LupusQoL are available?
The LupusQoL has been translated by RWS Life Sciences into 77 languages for use in 51 countries through a reiterative linguistic validation process consisting of several independent translations, back translations, expert review of the back translation, local review by users, and cognitive debriefing.
Existing translations can be obtained by contacting:
RWS Life Sciences
101 East River Drive
East Hartford, CT 06108
Tel: 860-727-6000
Fax: 860-727-6001
E-mail: LupusQoL@rws.com